Somos Paisaxe | International Seminar on Art and Landscape! – Calls Open!

International Seminar on Art and Landscape! – Calls Open!

23 Feb International Seminar on Art and Landscape! – Calls Open!

In the last decades, a deep epistemological and ontological surrounding landscape meaning has been done by a group of researchers, artists, technicians, not only re-theorizing the concept, but showing how it forms an important part of social, cultural, economic, environmental and political systems.
The basis for the contemporary definition of landscape by the late nineteenth century, took shape in many instances maintaining important connections to the folder tradition, but also it was explicitly applied social and cultural theory to landscape interpretation showing concerns about socio-cultural and political processes that “shape” landscapes.
We saw an increase in studies of the politics and arts of landscapes. Some focus on monuments and heritage, some rise interest in feminist, others in critical approaches to landscapes, and others focused in representations through art.
This meeting aims to invite contributions in poster and oral communications, that presents and discuss the emergent approaches between the forms of art and landscape, strongly believing onto this as a contribute for assuring alternative webs of knowledge and practices.
For more, please download the Seminar InfoPack HERE.
We invite colleagues and people interested in participating to disseminate this call. Thank you for sharing and cross-listing where and whenever appropriate.




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